Insurance Software Solutions

Imagine a world, where implementing an insurance product is as easy as A, B, C

{why us}

See why our users love our software

We take care
of all your needs

Whether requirements engineering, application design, lifecycle updates or user support — we have you covered with our full-service offering.


We ensure your solution is highly scalable, easy to evolve and can integrate with additional systems at any time.

We make it as easy
as saying «swupp»

The real reason our clients love us is because we deliver incredibly user-friendly software, and we do it on time and within budget.

{our services}

What can we build for you?

We'll take care of the solution from the idea to delivery, including aftercare.

Automated systems for the insurance industry

Digital solutions for internal document flow

Self-service solutions for your customers

//* Let's turn your smart idea into smart software


How we do it?

We use a traditional project management approach for simple and clear parts and agile for complex ones while working in a multi-project environment:

Technologies in action

We use technologies that serve you:

{who we are}

Meet our team

We are a team of software developers. Ever since our start in 2014, we have been focused on insurance solutions like automated systems for internal document flow or sales and underwriting systems for policy creation.

If you are tired of sending thousands of emails with documents and filling in questionnaires by hand - we will create the software needed to solve all your problems.

Our latest news

We congratulate our junior developer Josia John on his Gold Medal at the Swiss Olympiad of Informatics 2021 and are very proud to see him at the International Olympiad of Informatics, Singapore!

Our solutions

Solution for Mobiliar

Die Mobiliar Versicherung möchte den Prozess im Geschäft mit Individualversicherungen für Grossbaustellen digitalisieren und optimieren. Als Lösung entscheidet sich die Mobiliar für die Underwriting- und Policierungsplattform von Swupp Solutions.



Let's chat about your project!

Contact us

Swupp Solutions GmbH
+41 78 614 45 38
Brandrietstrasse 36, CH-8307 Effretikon